You know… We are all so very lucky in our own special ways. All we need to do is acknowledge those times and things that are good. That in itself will enable the flow of more good to continue. I know in my heart that when I endeavor to live my life from a higher level consciousness that I open the door for more good. I am grateful for the knowledge of this, and I do try to remember it. Although I may not always succeed, I do try. In the good things that I read, in the good times I share with friends, if I just let it happen it is there waiting for me. I also know that there is a hunger in our society for all that is truly good, and I believe that if we would just allow and support each other in seeing it, we could make this a better world. I do not ignore that which is bad, or negative, but I do not see the point in giving it anymore power than it already has in our society. Especially when we do not properly acknowledge that which is good! Right now, I think good is the underdog and maybe we should spend a bit of time cheering it on for a change. I am grateful for this feeling in me, and if I say it out loud maybe someone else will see that they too feel the same. From the heart, Susan |