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A Friend None the Less
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A Friend None the Less?


They say a friend in need is a friend in deed,

I think I am learning to accept that there are different levels.

It hurts when you discover that someone you care about does not or cannot return your friendship in the same way that you are able and willing to return theirs.

I know people that I could go weeks or even years without talking to or seeing, but I know they will always be there if I need them, no matter how big or little the need.

I know people that have made immense contributions to my life, with their inspiration and support, yet they are not able to get close enough to be there sometimes.

Would that be a fair weather friend?

Is this putting conditions on your friendship then?

I wonder about this, I know not to pass judgment for what they may or may not be capable of.

Maybe it is just that I wish they were able, but love them as a friend none the less.

By Susan