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When I say I love you,
Home Up On Friends


When I say I love you…


It does not mean

I want you, I need you,

I cannot live without you…


It plain and simple means,

I love you for who and what you are to me.

I ask nothing in return,

I have no expectations or conditions,

I am grateful for you and what we share together as human beings!


Somewhere along the line, I think to many attachments

have been put on the words, "I love you".

I choose to let you carry your own baggage in regards to this.


I care about and love many people,

Please accept my words and know my truth,

I come from the heart, and I do not take it lightly.

I would not want to ever think

that I could not tell you or anyone, my truth.


In order for me to be true to myself,

I have to come from the heart and be honest.

And some how, I believe a higher power is

involved in this also…


By Susan