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Home Old Photo's Bonnie's Babys


I will use this page for pictures of events etc that have already done their time on The Latest Pictures Page, which is linked to my Update Page where I try to keep friends and family posted on the latest goings ons.


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Jame's and Cait with the bone she managed to get from him..

Caitlyn discovers the comfort of a fireplace

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I cleaned the house and shot some pictures. This is from the living room to the family room and kitchen.

This is my view from my Lazy Boy in the living room.

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This is the living room.

This is from my chair to the kitchen.

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This is the family room.

This being the family room pass thru to the kitchen

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Not much in the way of cabinets, but I love the windows!

This shows the pass through again.

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This is the front of the house when I moved in, in February.

I will take some more outside shots, before my roses have to be cut back for winter.

: )

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Okay, bug me for pics, this was my bday bbq!

Sharing guacamole with a friend

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Flub-a-dub after the guacamole fight.

A day on the Oregon coast with James

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