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Archive 10/11/00
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October 11, 2000


Well, proof again that my life works!

I got the call on Tuesday that the quad was back out at Mt Hood Polaris and ready for me to pick it up. Now that area is really developing as more people move out that way so we for sure didn't want to be getting it during rush hour. I have a friend at work who is into jet ski's etc. and Susan's husband Gaylen was going to help me get the quad. The only exchange was that I had to make him a batch of Jell-o shooters, hehe, (with Tequila, very good by the way)!

We drove out mid day Thursday. One of the Polaris requirements it a 10 min safety video and a test drive in the parking lot. Well, I didn't want to do 'spectator sport training' and was really glad when the kid picked up on that and let Gaylen do the test drive, through the cones, all the gears, up and down an embankment. I really wasn't comfortable and would much rather do it in my own speed in my own time, privately! We got it home no problem, pulled it into the garage and shut the door!

Trying times with Caitlyn again, (still?)... Everyone is her new best friend and she has taken to taking off after everyone she sees. That is not a good thing when it means running out of the yard into the street! And most of the time, it is not a good thing when it is 5 in the morning and I am wanting to go back to bed for a few hours on Saturday morning! There she goes! Off into the shadows... I never even saw him, but he was very kind and said 'That's okay', and I'm saying, 'No, it isn't, I'm suppose to be in bed sleeping, not chasing her down!"

So, that was the straw that broke the camels back and we spent the weekend getting clear on what the word 'come', means! James included, as he has been slacking and not setting a really good example! Sunday morning we are out and this man walking by is grinning and looking at Cait and I out there, and I ask him if he was the guy at 5 AM. He was and we started talking, and talking, and talking.

Turns out he is a neighbor 2 doors down and across the street. He didn't know that this was 2 units, or there was a house behind. We walked around the yard, talking and visiting. During the conversation it comes out that he listens to KUPL, so I tell him I was the one that won the quad. Hehe, he turns into a little kid, says 'No way!', 'Where is it', 'Where is the key'! He knew I was going to sell it and said he was going to go crunch some numbers. I went to Trader Joe's, came home and he was knocking on the door with his check book! Wa La! Done deal, I let him talk me down $200 from my low, but what the heck, I never had to advertise! No phone calls, no show and tell, it was perfect. So 2 days in my garage and now it is gone!

Sister's weekend coming up. Nancy is coming over after work on Friday and will stay over till Saturday. We will just go to a movie and kick back this week. No shopping! We both enjoy the time together just talking, laughing and relaxing.

Work is the same, busy but less stressful. We seem to be settling in and getting more comfortable all the time. There is a lot to do but we are working well together and chipping away at it every day. I am being nicer to myself and have turned around my feelings of 'never knowing enough' to 'being fortunate for what I do know, so as to be able to learn more'. Grin, seems to be working better for me. I have come a long way and in this occupation the learning never stops. So, I will do what I do as I do it and it will all be good, : )

Enjoy the new pictures, I know a few of last times were not sized properly. I will see if I can get it right this time around. I had done a really good job of cleaning the house and couldn't resist taking pictures now that there are actually pictures up and stuff.

Hugs to all of you!